In my young adult years, I had a hard time being seen for who I was.

I was always identified by where I grew up, whose sister I was or who I hung out with. Although I loved those aspects of myself, I was more.

As years went on, I had to make choices for my happiness. Choices often opposite of what I thought was expected of me. That meant becoming vulnerable to change and criticism.

That shift came with a yearning to experience more of what life had to offer. I began to look outside the walls put in place by others and myself to live a life God wanted me to live.

I began to capture these experiences in my writing. This became a way for me to purge, process and heal.

This blog is that journey and it continues. A journey full of love, tears, pride and lots of laughs.

Thanks for joining me.

Amy Graham Amy Graham

Discovering Denmark Vesey

Three people confirmed we were going in the right direction. Soon the bronze monument dedicated to the slave revolt leader was revealed.

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Amy Graham Amy Graham

Cookbooks Carry History Lessons

What I love about cookbooks is they tell a story. Reading the preface, the recipes and seeing pictures in these books, you are transported to the culture, setting and society of the times in which they were written.

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Amy Graham Amy Graham


This year was the 20th anniversary of the tragic incidents involving four planes used to attack America on September 11, 2001. As I love history, I watched many documentaries highlighting first-hand accounts from survivors.

On this anniversary, I paused to try to remember and attempt to imagine the pain and loss survivors felt that day and the impact on their lives today. To remember was the least I could do.

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