Celebrating One Year of “Lessons and Revelations”
Celebrating One Year of Lessons and Revelations
This month I celebrate one year of my blog, “Lessons and Revelations”.
When I began, the blog was a way to share some of my challenging life experiences with others in similar situations to let them know they are not alone. In addition, commiting to publishing a weekly or bi-weekly blog meant creating a writing schdule, which would help me to grow as a writer. These are the reasons I write.
I am grateful for this blog. “Lessons and Revelations” has taught me a lot and I have much more to learn. Here are a few lessons I’ve learned so far.
Stories are important
I’ve said it over and over because I believe it’s true. Someone’s life can be changed when they hear another person’s story that is like their own. Sometimes we experience situations that convince us we are alone and no one has even been in our shoes. Sharing stories can provide assurance to the listener or reader that someone understands their journey and they can get through whatever the situation is.
We all have gifts
Writing is a way I process my feelings, emotions and life peaks and valleys. It is also a creative outlet and a gift. We all have a God given gift. I encourage you to take time to find your gift, nuture it and use it.
Have the courage to suck at something
We don’t know if we are good or bad at anything if we don’t act. Many of us have dreams but hesitate to take steps to make them a reality. Doing the work to learn what it takes to become a life coach, start on online business, or launch a blog, can be overwhelming. My research in starting a blog revealed a recommendation of bloggers prepared with up to fifteen completed entries before launch. That was a scary number but as I continued to write, I launched with enough entries. I knew my content was good but I wasn’t sure how the blog would be recieved. There is always a possiblity of someone not liking my work, but that is okay. Although I was nervous sharing my vulnerabilities for the world to read, the goal was greater than my discomfort. I had to act.
Activity energizes your work
The more I talked about starting a blog, the more I wanted to learn. The more I learned, my next step was to create a team of supportive people to helpl me. Each action pushed me to take next steps. Some steps were small and some challenged me. For example, it wasn’t easy to learn the technical side of the blog. But I couldn’t give up. I was energized as the launch date approached. “Lessons and Revelations” was not perfect when it launched; many “kinks’” I worked out later. As I continued to take steps and reach goals, the energy kept me moving and confident. As one of my mentors says, “It ain’t got to be pretty, it just has to get done.”
As I celebrate this mile marker, I thank you for reading, sharing, and supporting me on this blog journey. I continue to write and look forward to what the future holds for this blog and other writing goals I have.