In my young adult years, I had a hard time being seen for who I was.
I was always identified by where I grew up, whose sister I was or who I hung out with. Although I loved those aspects of myself, I was more.
As years went on, I had to make choices for my happiness. Choices often opposite of what I thought was expected of me. That meant becoming vulnerable to change and criticism.
That shift came with a yearning to experience more of what life had to offer. I began to look outside the walls put in place by others and myself to live a life God wanted me to live.
I began to capture these experiences in my writing. This became a way for me to purge, process and heal.
This blog is that journey and it continues. A journey full of love, tears, pride and lots of laughs.
Thanks for joining me.
When A Tool Becomes A Distraction
Once I pick up the phone to use tools to help me write, I suddenly find myself looking at reels on Instagram to send the funny ones to the appropriate friend who appreciates good humor. In my quest to make a friend laugh, I have lost 30 minutes of writing time.
The Lowcountry is Alright!
I know six months any place is like a honeymoon phase, but I am just going to embrace the southern life. Those living here may say, “She ain’t lived through the summer heat yet.”
Cancer sucks
This day was my first experience with a cancer treatment appointment. Testing. Waiting. Testing. Hungry. Thirsty. Irritation. Waiting. Experiences with cancer treatment vary from person to person. Today, I learned a lot!.
Does God Test us or remind us of our foundation of faith?
I often hear people talk about God “Testing” them. For me, I see God as a place of refuge when all seems to be crumbling around me. I call on him for help and guidance. Without it, moving on my own terms and wisdom may cause more harm to my situation.
Writing Void of Inspiration
I saw an Instagram reel of Octavia Butler speaking on the topic of writing. The late science fiction author was sharing in an interview, her view on inspired writing. She said, "You will not always be inspired, but write anyway because keeping the habit of writing will bring inspiration."
The Legacy of Quilting
As each woman held up her hand-sewn quilt and shared their stories, I saw the gleam in their eye and pride in each piece of art and history. Listening to these stories, I imagined women in the community sewing quilts together at a table or outside in their yards – as was the tradition.
A quilt has become a piece of history, handed down from generation to generation, yet the craft of quilting has faded.
New Wine, New Wineskins
In our most recent move, there was furniture we knew wouldn’t fit in our new residence. Gratefully we were able to donate those items to a non-profit organization name CRIS that helps immigrants in Central Ohio get settled in their new home state. One item we donated was a sectional, the centerpiece in the finished basement of one of our homes. It was great for movie nights with our kids and grandkids.
Things Will Get Better - A Letter to my Younger Self
As an adult - 53 years old - I want to let you know something. None of what you are experiencing now will matter in the future. I know there is a lot of pain. Some connected to hormones, but some come from other drama we go through every day. No worries. Life gets better.
Let me give you a little run down.
The Gift of a Dancing Community
Returning home from my first ever line dancing class, I was exhausted. After two hours of dancing, I stole an hourlong unplanned nap on my couch. I woke up happy and excited.
On my social media, I shared my location at an athletic center and friends assumed I was talking a Zumba class or weight training. Later, I revealed it was line dancing.
Wintering – Is there such a thing?
I ate more than I should have. When I finished my meal, I climbed the steps slowly to my bedroom, stretched across my bed, and dozed off. I woke from my hour-long nap mad; I hadn’t planned to sleep an entire hour!! Then I realized I had nothing to do. No place to be. Suddenly, a craving for a creamy soup with garlic buttered toast came over me.
Is AI Helping or Hindering our Creativity?
While working with a colleague, I shared with her a short story idea I had. It was a Christmas story. As she listened to me tell her about my idea, she began typing on her laptop. “What is the main character’s favorite cocktail?” “Is the main character a male or female?” “Does he have facial hair?” Etc. These are just a few of the questions I answered as she typed my answers in an AI, artificial intelligence application. Never looking up, she completed the questionnaire, hit enter, and read a flowery, narrative infused with all the information I gave her into a story. I was intrigued and surprised.
Love Shared
In November I celebrated 53 trips around the sun. I can’t believe it! I can still remember my 22nd birthday and the United Colors of Benneton skirt I wore to the club. (HOT!)
This year, I celebrated throughout the month with good food, drinks, and laughs. Along with celebrating my birthday this year, I also celebrated starting a new chapter in South Carolina.
This year, I learned the gift of presence is a wonderful gift. What do I mean by that? With all the cards, presents and gift cards I received, the time spent celebrating with family and friends topped it all.
Experiencing Advent In Chaos
During Advent this year, my life has been chaotic. For three weeks I have been focused on completing work projects, doing last minute packing, updating necessary paperwork, and saying goodbye to friends. This has made me anxious, excited, sad, happy and every emotion in between
Managing Living LIfe and Househhold Responsibiities - Mom May not have done it this way, But I Am
I grew up watching my mother’s housekeeping habits; how she cared for a home with six children and a husband. When we were old enough, we were given cleaning responsibilities; dusting and polishing furniture, vacuuming the carpet, “turning” dirty clothes to be laundered in addition to yard work; we did it all.
Autumn Change
I was hoping this day would be the perfect autumn to enjoy my last few weeks in Columbus before moving to a place that may not display fall the same way. I was anxious. “I want autumn vibes and I want it now”, I thought.