In my young adult years, I had a hard time being seen for who I was.
I was always identified by where I grew up, whose sister I was or who I hung out with. Although I loved those aspects of myself, I was more.
As years went on, I had to make choices for my happiness. Choices often opposite of what I thought was expected of me. That meant becoming vulnerable to change and criticism.
That shift came with a yearning to experience more of what life had to offer. I began to look outside the walls put in place by others and myself to live a life God wanted me to live.
I began to capture these experiences in my writing. This became a way for me to purge, process and heal.
This blog is that journey and it continues. A journey full of love, tears, pride and lots of laughs.
Thanks for joining me.
On The Road Again
I love road trips! I enjoy traveling to a destination in a car or truck, especially with my husband.
On our first road trip together, I thought I had hit the jackpot. I had always wanted a partner to travel with but had never met that person until Curnell. He was chill. He read the road signs and mile markers, he knew how long it would take to get from place to place, he didn’t require a lot, and was happy to let me drive when I wanted to
Change is happening and it is not convenient
WOW! A recent blog entry from Gwen Henderson’s Reboot, Rejuvenate, Resurrect titled Inconvenient hit my heart. It summed up exactly what I am feeling. One line in particular:
Deepak Chopra says, “All great changes are preceded by chaos.” I don’t know if this change will be great, but it is chaotic. My apple cart is upset. I feel a bit vulnerable and exposed.
Yes! I was feeling all of that. I read the line as I sat waiting for a flight returning home from South Carolina where my husband accepted a pastoral appointment to begin July 1; months away!
Facing Our History
Recently, my husband shared an article from a friend who lived in Atlanta with the headline, “Within 12 hours, 14 young people were harmed by gun violence in Georgia.”
It’s hard to settle with the statistics related to the impact of gun violence in the United States. Each day, there is a report of the shooting in the local news. It saddens me that freedom looks like the right to carry an automatic weapon.
This article prompted a question: How can we cease to find a way to curb gun violence but continue to be riled up against a curriculum in schools that shares all American history?
Who are You Encouraging?
Through life, our instinct is to keep our head down, stay focused on our goals and keep working to be the best we can be for ourselves and family. Yet, I bet while we are looking down, we are missing people standing in front of us seeking a kind word of encouragement in this harsh world that makes it hard for some to keep going. We all have an encouraging word to share.
I can Bake
I was bored while waiting for the cake to finish baking its last 15 minutes. As the vanilla scent engulfed my apartment, I remembered I had to wait for the cake to cool before slicing. I was proud to accomplish making a cake like my grandmother seemed to do every Sunday.
I Suffered From Anxiety Disorder
I was sure I was going to die and take out 10 people with me.
My heart was racing and felt like it was going to leap out of my chest. My palms were sweaty.
To The Industry I love, WTH!
The hospitality industry gave me opportunities I may not have received anyplace else. My training, hands-on experience, and mentoring taught me what it means to be hospitable and helped me grow as a professional.
For example, in any position the goal is to ensure each guest has a positive experience and will return. I loved my career. hard to cope.
Losing a Friend
Marnita was a friend, but I never told her that. I cared for her and was frustrated by her. Although we disagreed on many things, we could agree on what was funny. We laughed together like nobody’s business.
Hello 2023! I’m so glad to see you.
2022 was too much!
The world experienced war, high prices for food and gas, sickness from COVID and flu variants and many of us found it hard to cope.
I Can’t Stop Thinking of You
During Christmastime, I am into all things Christmas; decorations, music, Christmas movies – old and new, and all the rich delicious food and drink that come with it.
This year, memories of my mom invade my thoughts every day as many of my fondest memories of her surround Christmas and New Year’s Day. Lately, every smell, song, craft, or holiday special reminds me of my mom.
Holidays Interrupted
I love Thanksgiving weekend! It’s filled with family time, the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, sister time and traditions. Each year, my husband and I purchase a live Christmas tree for our home and decorate it the Saturday after Thanksgiving.
There Are My Friends
Does she know those people? I thought. My husband and I told our youngest grandchild to stop, take her sister’s hand and walk to the play area. They went directly to where the other kids were; a lady was there with them. That lady doesn’t want our kids over there! I assumed internally.
Choose Joy
Choose Joy were two words that commanded my attention one morning when I read a friend’s social media post. Immediately I recalled her bright smile and loud laughter as I completed reading her post. It was perfect timing for the perfect reminder.
Navigating Disappointments
What a whirlwind!
I expected to be on my first international flight to Africa.
I was prepared with a neck pillow and blanket to keep me comfortable during the long flight.
I was excited to place my feet on the ground of the continent of my ancestors. I was filled with anticipation to experience what I had seen in videos, a crowd of people welcoming us in song and dance as we exited the plane.